
Showing posts from January, 2013


I have been wanting to come up with something witty, and entertaining and enlightening to write about but alas, I am just too exhausted to stick to a coherent thought or word these days. As such I am going to satisfy my inclination to blog about Alberta life by sharing some of the things I love, and definitely do not love about living here: LOVE: Snow - it's just so darn, pretty and wintry - a total post-cardish novelty for us west coasters Plus 15s - not only are they warm and convenient but each time I navigate the maze I feel like I'm in some secret, futuristic world where everybody has to stay inside to survive (aka Calgary) The Rockies - do I really need to explain? Just stunning No Ferries - again, do I really need to explain? Reading on the train My job Our neighbours Logan's school - it's fantastic and listening to him sing french songs is so freakin' cute! Garbage and recycling pick up - no sorting, just dump in the bin and drag to the side...


This poor guy fell asleep on the train today. I'm pretty sure he missed his stop, perhaps somebody, including me, should have woken him up.  He kept dropping his beer on the floor but on the plus side he was very gracious and offered a beer to all the people around him, including the elderly east indian lady next to him who looked absolutely terrified. About three stops before the end of the line he passed out across the bench, after said, terrified lady, departed the train.  By two stops before end of line, he was snoring like he was in a coma, oh lord, what if he was in a coma? How awful.  The girl next to me was trying to sneakily, turn her phone this way and that to get a picture of him, she was failing miserably and kept retrying over and over again.  I have to admit, drunk, snoring guy passed out on the train was kind of funny, however, it struck me how awfully sad it was as well.  I have seen this same guy on the train before in his Dickies, work coverall...


"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase"  I have been reading a lot of quotes lately and this one stuck (well they all tend to stick given that I go through a lot of post-its).  In the grand scheme of life, things are wonderful.  I know that one should count their wealth not based on the dollars in the bank but rather on the blessings such as health, laughter, love etc. that accumulate in our lives; these are true riches.  By nature I am not naturally a positive person; it's something that I've really had to work at and that has evolved in my character, out of necessity, over the last few years.  Thus the insatiable appetite for positive, uplifting quotes and mantras.  I am also naturally risk averse and a planner. I like to have a plan, more appropriately, I feel like I NEED to have a plan.  I once said to Larry, as we joked about selling everything to sail around the world. "Sure, I'll do it, as long as we n...